表達藝術治療 Expressive Arts Therapy


Visual Art


Dance & Movement






Creative Writing

表達藝術治療是種結合心理學、透過言語加非言語的心理治療介入手法,當中運用到主要5種跨藝術媒體 (視覺藝術、律動和舞蹈、音樂、戲劇、創寫作等)。表達藝術治療為參加者提供了安全互信及機會,透過運用不同藝術媒介的創作過程,讓參加者抒發情緒,表達自己以達至身心健康的治療效果。

Expressive Arts Therapy (EXAT) is a kind of multi-modal psychotherapeutic approach that made use of various art forms (visual arts, movements and dance, music, drama, creative writing, etc.), by means of both verbal and non-verbal expressions. It provides participants and clients a safe and trusting environment to express emotions, heal and grow throughout the creative process, in order to achieve the therapeutic goals of improving the overall mental well-being.

表達藝術治療的對象 Targeted Population of EXAT



Expressive Arts therapy is beneficial and applicable to everybody, including toddlers, children, teenagers, adults or elderlies, especially cancer patients, people suffering from mental illnesses, PTSD, dementia, and children with special education needs (SEN), e.g. autism spectrum disorder, ADHD, cognitive impairment, etc.

Our targeted population does not only include those with mental or health illnesses, but also the general public, in facilitating their growth and understanding one-self. It is NOT necessary for the participants to enquire any experiences or talents in arts - it can be applied in anyone.

表達藝術治療的益 Benefits of EXAT

表達藝術治療可藉藝術創作,幫助對象激發創意思維及自潛能,以及舒緩壓力,減低抑鬱焦慮情緒;並可引導對象建立應對能力及適應改變,提升自我效能感及自信心;從而達到自我成長及轉化。 而當中的小組形式更可促進社交團隊互助

The creative process of EXAT triggers participants' creativities and potentials, at the same time relieves stress and reduces anxiety and depression. It facilitates clients to develop resilience, self-confidence and sense of control, enhances self-growth and change. Social skills and relationships can also be enhanced when it is run in group format.

表達藝術治療師的資格 About Registered Expressive Arts Therapists

認可的表達藝術治療師需要擁有認可學術機構的碩士學位註冊並獲取相關專業機構認證; 他們有豐富的多元藝術知識、技巧及熟悉心理學理論與運用之外,更已通過超過七百五十小時的實習考核,以處理不同對象及症狀。 各位需要表達藝術治療服務時,請謹記到有認可專業機構查找註冊治療師:

It is ESSENTIAL for Registered Arts (Expressive Arts) Therapists to enquire master degree from RECOGNISABLE academic organisations, and registration from professional organisation. Registered therapists do not only possess the knowledge in psychological theories and applications, techniques and knowledge of the multi-modal therapeutic approach, they have also encountered more than 750 practicum hours, in order to facilitate them in handling different clients. When you need expressive arts therapy services, please find the registered therapists from the following professional organisations: